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Adopted Standards (ISPMs) - International Plant Protection ...

BackgroundInternational Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) are standards adopted by the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM), which is the governing body of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC). The first International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) was adopted in 1993.

найти б у стержневую мельницу мшц размер для производства ...

Вертикальное оборудование для производства ... найти б у стержневую мельницу мшц размер ... Получить цену найти дробилку - sophiacollege

NATO - News: NATO helps Moldova preserving a healthy ...

As part of the project, 1269 tons of chemicals were collected and transported for destruction in Poland, with NATO’s support. A last batch of 31 tons of pesticides collected from Singerei, Drochia, Edinet districts and Bălţi Municipality were evacuated on the last day from the regional central warehouse from Alexandreni village (situated in the centre of R. Moldova).

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Насосное оборудование - DMLiefer

Насосы – это гидравлические машины для перекачивания жидкостей всех видов. Насосы преобразуют энергию приводного двигателя в энергию движущейся жидкости: поднимают жидкость на определенную высоту, перемещают её в ...

Наталия Кузнецова - Москва, Россия на Мой Мир@Mail.ru

Наталия Кузнецова Москва, Россия. Страница пользователя [email protected] социальной сети Мой Мир.

Frames and Paintings - ramki-kartini.bg

The Art Studio for frames and paintings by artist Rosen Poptomov was established more than twenty years ago in Burgas. We make wide range of oil paintings on canvas (sea, forest, abstract, horses, etc.) as well as custom ordered paintings implementing our customer’s idea on them.

Франсоа Трюфо влиза в ... - Impressio.bg

Детството на малкия Франсоа е много трудно. Също като своя идол Хичкок, и Трюфо е самотно дете, недолюбвано дори от майка си.

High-fructose diet slows recovery from brain injury ...

Oct 02, 2015· A diet high in processed fructose sabotages rat brains’ ability to heal after head trauma, neuroscientists report. Revealing a link between nutrition and brain health, the finding offers ...

A ceremony for a new state award ... - President of Russia

Dmitry Medvedev presented the order to eight couples with large families from different Russian regions: Ildar and Ramziya Gabsaljamov from Tatarstan, Nikolai and Xenia Lyovkin from Moscow, Vladimir and Olga Maksimov from Yakutia, Andrey and Svetlana Malcev from the Kurgan Region, Ivan and Alla Novikov from St Petersburg, Ivan and Nadezhda Osjak from the Rostov Region, Vladimir and …